Friday, June 21, 2013

Easter egg hunt - from hell!

My job: enter a marsh, find every bird nest below 4 meters.

Spa in mineral-rich bog mud is just one of the many perks of being a nest searcher
Only problem is, I suck at finding bird nests. Why shouldn't I? Birds evolved ways to make their nests flipping hard to find. Like, they build them in very hidden places, like under grass tussocks and such. And they evolved sneaky behaviour to prevent guys from finding them. In this case me.

Virginia Rail nest, which Dom found
Then there's Michal, a nest finding machine. Some say when he was a child in Slovakia he was a victim of a nuclear meltdown near his village, which mutated his eyes giving him heat-sensing vision. At least that's the only explanation I can think of.

I fell to my knees and said a prayer. I had a suspicion it was one of the times when you need to really word your request carefully, or else God might play a cruel joke on you. So I prayed "Dear God, [the usual intro, I know I haven't been the best Christian, etc...], please guide my senses, and let me find at least one nest today, preferably two." Within 5 minutes I looked down, and there it was, a duck nest!

Wait, what's that orange tape? Damn it's been found already.



Amboseli Weekend