Monday, November 5, 2012

Chapter 4: Why go over the mountain, let us go under it!

On a ranger-led tour of Wind Cave to be precise, located in the Black Hills of South Dakota. What mysteries did we find in these ancient passages?

Well, this unique formation called box-work. Wait a minute...weren't we in the middle of Iowa just 12 hours ago??

Fortunately we escaped the Balrog and found ourselves clambering down the rocky mountainside of Harney Peak, where I met an unexpected friend. 

Katy from Arizona bird camp (camp Chiricahua in 2006!!!). Group shot!

These hills would be swarming with orcs by nightfall, but for now they were swarming with black backed and three-toed woodpeckers, presumably due to the scourge of the mountain pine beetle, for these two sought-after species are very fond indeed of dead pines. This one searched for insects beneath the bark with little care for us. 

Back on the plains we wrangled a Prairie Rattler with a mullein rod!

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